WELKER machines are known for their quality, sturdy construction and efficiency in the field. Since the start of business in 1856, we have been active in the textile sector with heavy duty machines for conditioning and heat- setting. Today, we supply our technology to different sectors, although Textile still represents the major part of our business.
WELKER machines are customised and manufactured individually. Every project has its own characteristics and demands special care of all involved staff to satisfy our customers. The machines are “hand made” and a product of traditional German quality.
Following the market demands of faster process equipment in 1941, WELKER developed the first generation of vacuum steaming and conditioning equipment. Numerous patents followed this invention and our know- how is today common technical basis for this kind of equipment.
TUNNEL machines are key for customised automation. Automation is engineered and manufactured at WELKER. Alternatively, a combination with existing installations or integration into solutions of other manufacturers are possible.
AUTODOFFER machines have the traditional loading and unloading solution with a doffing platform that moves pallets or pin trucks in and out the machine.
DUPLEX machines are specially designed machines for double rows of pin trucks and XL type of pin trucks as well as pallets. With an enlarged width and a comfortable height, operation is facilitated with considerable saving of space and energy.
The higher the temperature difference, the higher will be the conditioning result. Obviously, higher steam temperatures will deliver a higher condensation.
Vor der Verarbeitung müssen Polyamide (PA) trocken sein. Nach der Formgebung ist das Polyamid im trockenen Zustand sehr spröde und erreicht nicht die gewünschten physikalischen Eigenschaften.
TUNNEL- Anlagen werden für automatisierte Anlagen eingesetzt, wo Be- und Entladung über ein Fördersystem erfolgen. Diese können mit Kette, Rollen oder Transportbänder ausgelegt werden. Eine Integration in vorhandene Fördersysteme ist möglich. Auch anschließende Verpackungsaufgaben z. B. mittels einer Stretcheinrichtung sind möglich.
AUTOMOTIVE INTERIOR FINISHER MASTERSTEAMER is an Automotive Interior Finisher for the treatment of textile surfaces assembled on plastic parts, with 4 stations:
MUSHROOM SUBSTRATE STERILIZER New steam pressure system for substrate sterilization and spawn preparation for the quality and productivity improvement of mushroom culture.
GFY CONDITIONER AND DRYER High performance equipment for the glass fibre yarn and fabrics manufacturing process, utilised » After the winding process in yarn manufacturing plants, and » In glass fibre weaving plants, before the yarn is fed into the weaving or warping machine.